God's Doorkeepers: Padre Pio, Solanus Casey and André Bessette

published by Franciscan Media | Trade Paperback | 162 pages
$ 18.99
Padre Pio, André Bessette, and Solanus Casey were, to all appearances, the sort of people others overlook. Yet in their lifetimes, untold numbers found physical and interior healing through their ministries, and since their deaths their fame has grown enormously. Their secret was the secret of every successful Christian life: In complete humility, they abandoned themselves to the will of God. God's Doorkeepers reveals how these miracle-workers, in spite of their lowly circumstances, inspired and continue to inspire those who seek a healing encounter with God. Item# B16699
JOEL SCHORN is a writer and editor in Chicago. He is the coauthor with Alice Camille of A Faith Interrupted: An Honest Conversation with Alienated Catholics (Loyola Press).

Product Type:  Book

Item Number:  #B16699

ISBN:  9780867166996

Publication Date:  9/1/2006

BISAC:  RELIGION / Christianity / Catholic

Imprint:  Franciscan Media

Trim Size:  130.18 mm X 203.2 mm X 12.7 mm
(Approx. 5.13 in X 8.0 in X 0.47 in X )

Pages:  162

List Price:  $ 18.99